Clean Up

Storm Water

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MLWA Advocacy Projects

Invasive Plants Project

The MLWA is partnering with the Adirondack Park Invasive Plant Program to contain the Purple Loosestrife in and around Mirror Lake.

Storm Water Management Planning

The MLWA  participated in the storm drain inventory of existing conditions and the Mirror Lake Storm water Action Plan completed in October 2001.


Storm Water Management Projects

The MLWA has worked closely with the LP/NE Water Management Committee to get a storm water management ordinance enacted by the Town and Village Boards.  The new ordinance provides many guidelines to builders for reducing storm water impacts on our waterways.

  The following newspaper articles provide a sketch of events leading up to the enactment of our local storm water management ordinance.

 Education     Pre-hearing     Hearing     LP Adopts     NE Adopts     (pdf files; require Acrobat)


The major reconstruction of Mirror Lake Drive in 2003 associated with new water and sewer lines has given us the opportunity to install new storm water treatment technology engineered by Vortechnics, Inc.  Village officials wisely chose to make this investment to protect Mirror Lake when the time was right.  The MLWA endorses planning for further implementation of these improved storm water treatment systems as future reconstruction of our roadways (especially Main Street) occurs.

The MLWA has helped Village officials locate a relatively inexpensive filter for existing storm drains designed to remove solid particulates and a certain amount of sediment.  These filters are a realistic intermediate step in protecting Mirror Lake until the time is right for a more capable solution such as the Vortechs® system.